Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013 – Week 12

Hi! How are you all? Thanks for your letters! So this week has been super amazing and kinda bad too. I´ll start with the good though. So on Thursday I had a pretty cool experience. We were going to teach an investigator and we ran into these kids. Well one thing led to another and they wanted to learn English from me. So I was teaching them a little and it was really fun. And then more kids started coming. And then adults started coming. And people were coming out to their gates to listen. There were like 20 or 30 people I was teaching in the middle of the street. Haha. It was so cool! So after that we visited this investigator Elizabeth. She is in the Elders´area but she isn´t married so we are the ones that will be teaching her. Anyways... She has expressed to us her desire to be baptized so we called the zone leaders to get permission to baptize her earlier. They said yes but only a little early. So for now it´s the first week of January that we will be planning for. Then on Friday we got to go to the wedding of Ruben and Esther! It was great! They are so happy to be married, even though it pretty much took everything they have to do it. After the wedding we had a branch activity. It was a talent night and it was so fun! My comp and I and the elders with us sang Hercules I Will Go the Distance in Spanish and English which was fun! There are some crazy people here so the talents were hilarious. After that we went to visit Ricardo. He is supposed to be baptized on Saturday. Well it´s really sad. He told us that he has gotten a confirmation that the church is true and wants to be baptized but has to either be married or separate from his partner first. Well they aren´t going to separate because they have a little girl and Ricardo wants to be married, but his partner doesn´t. She doesn´t like our church at all. So we are hoping for a miracle to happen and to soften her heart. Saturday was the baptism!! It was amazing! Esther was so happy. And I am just so happy for her and her family. I also had my English class, which was great. Lots of people were there. Each week is going to get harder though. I have to understand the rules of Spanish to explain the rules in English. But I´ll keep studying and help as much as I can. Okay so now for the bad part... Elder Hamilton, the elder that was in my district in the CCM and got sent home for teeth problems and then came back and was in my district, well he got sent home again. He has an infection in his stomach and it will take 6 months of recovery so he won´t be able to come back to this mission. He was my best friend in the mission so it´s been hard. But he´ll go out again and bless people in a different place. So Monday we had our meeting for new missionaries so I got to see all my friends from the CCM one more time. It was great. All the new missionaries met together and shared experiences from the first 5 weeks. All the Latinos were sharing and only one American shared (because it was in Spanish) haha. But then I shared too. One of the assistants to the president said my Spanish was super good. That made me feel great! (because it totally isn´t great. lol) But now I worry that the President will make me a trainer in January because he thinks I know Spanish. Haha. Hopefully I know more by then. We are visiting this couple Julio and Lizabet. Julio is an inactive but loves the church and wants Lizabet to get baptized. But, Julio is married to another woman and never got a divorce. So he is going to get divorced, marry Lizabet and then Lizabet will be baptized. It will be a long process, but they are wonderful people! Then we visited Glenis. I love when people talk about a feeling they got with goosebumps on their arms and a good feeling in their heart, but don´t know that it´s the Spirit. We get to explain to them that it is the Holy Ghost telling them that it is true. That´s what happened with Glenis in church on Sunday when she heard the testimonies. She is definitely progressing. But her husband... not so much. He doesn´t really believe so it´s making this difficult. But we are trying to really focus on him so they can be baptized as a family. Finally, we visited Ruben and Esther and talked to them about the temple and how in one year they can be sealed as a family. It was a really special experience. Maybe I´ll get to go with them! Hopefully! So I got your letters too! Thank you! I got them on the 9th. Letters just take a little longer because they get sent to the office and then the district leader picks them up a week later and then gives them to us at our next district meeting. But thank you! We have taught so many families with kids! I love the kids so much! They are adorable! Oh and Elder Sotelo, from Argentina, says that you served in like half the country! Haha. He is from I think Buenos Aires.  And he´s been a member for 2 and a half years. But he´s not really a fan of basketball so he doesn´t watch the Spurs. Jamie- congrats on making the musical!! That is so exciting! I wish I could be there! How is the college applications going? Almost done? Mom- thanks for sending me that talk from Clayton Christensen. I loved reading all the scriptures that talk about the blessings I can receive. Wow. Incredible. So when you send packages... whatever you´re doing it´s working very well for me. Since you send it through Fedex I don´t have to pay a cent. It means you have to pay more though so I´m sorry! But some missionaries have to pay like 4000 pesos for their packages and it comes out of our apoyo- the 90 dollars we get every other week. So for Christmas... I´ll give you so suggestions but you don´t need to send everything! It´s just suggestions. Okay, so I really like those blue razors that dad uses- maybe 2 or 3 of those. I need more makeup- mascara and eyeliner. I can tell you the kinds later. Some more pens- the ones that Christina gave me before I left. Precise V7 rolling ball from pilot. Chocolate. Haha. I miss chocolate so much. The jeans I brought got a hole in them so could you send my other pair in my box upstairs? A small predicad mi evangelio (Spanish) to bring with me to meetings and appointments. Some good conference talks printed. Any. Some recipes printed. Any that don´t require chicken or have a ton of ingredients. And some more printed pics of the family. Okay that´s a huge list. Don´t send it all. But thank you!! That´s great Spencer got his mission call! Well, hope you all are doing great! Love you so much!!

Hermana Woolf

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